Featured Artist at the e.Gallery: Mattia Preti


Featured Artist at the e.Gallery this week is a 17th Century artist of the Baroque movement, Mattia Preti [Italian, 1613-1699] Link: http://fineart.elib.com/fineart.php?dir=Alphabetical/Il_Calabrese

Mattia Preti, known as “Il Cavaliere Calabrese”, left his home town of Taverna in 1630, at the age of 17, destined for Rome. Poussin had recently settled there; the young Velazquez was then paying his first visit. The influence of Caravaggio, though he had died 20 years earlier, was still strongly felt. Preti would leave many works behind in the capital. Among them are the stunning frescoes of “The Martyrdom of Saint Andrew” in the church of Sant’Andrea della Valle — the setting for the first act of Puccini’s “Tosca”.

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Pilate Washing his Hands

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San Giovanni Evangelista

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The Raising of Lazarus
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