Featured Artist at the e.Gallery: Jacek Yerka


Featured Artist at the e.Gallery this week is a 20th Century artist, Jacek Yerka [Polish, 1952-] Link: https://fineart.elib.com/fineart.php?dir=Alphabetical/Yerka_Jacek

Painter Jacek Yerka was born in a small city in Northern Poland in the early 1950s. His developing years were spent playing amidst the wonderfully preserved architecture of medieval Europe, as his hometown was spared much of the bombing that beset Poland during the war. It is this environment of reddish brown brickwork that immediately calls to mind the works of Bosch and Brueghel, whose palette Yerka shares.

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The Cider Recipe

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Back To Nature

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Birth of Life

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Metropolis II
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